As people celebrate or mourn the election results of last week, it is wise to consider the varied messages by the voters. Some really good news: there are no accusations or evidence of serious fraud or malfeasance by either party and the current Administration is committed to peaceful transition. Kudos to those elected and those leaving office for their commitment to our process.
The BIG news: American politics is complex, local, and voters do not always conform to economic, ethnic, religious, social, or political expectations. All candidates must listen to the concerns underneath the issues. The Republican victory is a response to real life problems that people of diverse classes and cultures think are important. The economy and work opportunities, safety, immigration, and cultural sanity were at the top of the list. At the same time, abortion rights were expanded in seven states, and many who voted for a Republican president voted for Democratic legislators.
The Democratic Party was playing catch-up the entire time as they had just a few months to present a new candidate to the nation. There was not time enough to move toward the political center which is where most Americans feel at home. The shift in voting patterns arose from particular concerns. and reflects voters’ resistance to elites badgering, condescending, and exhorting them to vote certain ways or be labeled as foolish at best and other epithets at worst. For example, the same groups that normally appreciate larger federal involvement do not appreciate being labeled and libeled for wanting to keep female and male sports separate. Many moderate to liberal religious people of all ethnicities and traditions grew tired of being considered ignorant or phobic.
Hopefully, Republicans will see this moment as an opportunity for prudential stewardship of the public trust, from shedding excess waste in spending, reforming and simplifying tax policies, moving toward energy independence, and finding solutions for crime and unchecked immigration. At the same time, Americans are generally hospitable to legal immigrants, generous to those in need, and depend on Medicare and Social Security functioning well. Working- and middle-class folks recoiled at paying off student loans, especially those that paid them off in full or worked their way through school.
A Place for Divine Providence
As a Christian, how do I see God at work in this moment? Three things guide my discernment. First, God’s providence leaves much room for human freewill and its consequences. Second, only a moral and spiritual awakening born of the Holy Spirit and touching all of life will reverse the idolatry, immorality, and injustice of the last several decades. This awakening is not a political movement, but a divine invitation to follow Christ crucified and risen. Third, there are moments of opportunity God grants to individuals, communities, and nations to alter course and move in the direction of, “doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly” before the Almighty (Micah 6:8).
President Trump’s uncouth methods and unwise words, and his intense promotion of election interference alienated many. The election of President Biden was seen as a move to moderation and civility. Instead of leading from the center, however, the Biden administration missed their opportunity and chose policies that alienated moderates and animated conservatives.
The second Trump administration has a chance to serve all Americans and promote policies that can unify a very divided and diverse nation. Leaving abortion with the states lets both sides persuade constituencies. Energy independence with proper environmental safeguards will help many economically. Creating a hospitable and secure border will have generational impact. Defending Israel’s right to flourish and make peace with her neighbors (expanding the Abraham Accords) is important. Standing for religious and political freedom around the world are morally wise positions.
Peacemaking Advice
As this transition occurs, may the new leaders eschew revenge and work collaboratively across the divides. Keep your promises with humility. Instead of mass deportations, register all undocumented residents and start the pathway to citizenship and residency. Deport criminals. Screen people at the border. Protect the vulnerable, especially children. Incentivize entrepreneurship. Streamline federal bureaucracies and return power to the states and municipalities where possible. Work with leaders of both parties and balance a budget. No life-altering drug treatments or surgeries for children confused about their sex. Stimulate fresh thinking on homelessness, with new ideas and resources for addiction and mental health treatments. Support law enforcement while holding them to high standards and winnowing out corruption and racism.
May those assuming power understand the gravity and hopefulness of this moment and walk forward with courage, love, and wisdom.