History and Hope: Renewing the American Promise Part Two: Toward Justice for All

The American Experiment in virtue-based liberty is never done…we are always aspiring to live up to the noble values of our Founders and Framers. In Part One, we looked at our nation’s foundations, find much to thank God for…and much requiring repentance and realignment with truth. In this essay, we explore events from the 19th century to the present as signs of blessing and judgment, with the hope that we can live more helpful and hopeful lives.

History and Hope: Renewing the American Promise Part One: Foundations

As the fireworks fade, it is fitting we reflect on America’s founding and future. For the theologically inclined, you will not find any traces of chosen nation status or manifest destiny in this essay. Biblically, there is one chosen nation/people: ancient Israel liberated under Moses and the expanded Israel of the Church established by Messiah Jesus. (See Exodus 19:6 and I Peter 2:9-10). We can, however, reflectively see the hand of divine providence in the affairs of nations. If we were to tour the globe and speak with Christians of all classes, cultures, and communities, we would hear stories of grace and discipline, amazing miracles from God and serious consequences of human rebellion.

Sanity about the Middle East: A Historical Overview, Part Two

The modern State of Israel was born out of two great movements: 1) the deep desire of Jews throughout history to have a homeland with Jerusalem at the center; and 2) the aftermath of the Holocaust as over six million Jews were systematically murdered during World War II. Form the first reports of the Shoah in 1941 and 1942, to the liberation of the concentration and extermination camps in 1944-1945, the world found it impossible to believe that such dehumanization and mechanized mass murder could happen. General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, ordered filming and written accounts to be made, and he predicted there would be later denials of this evil.

Sanity about the Middle East: A Historical Overview, Part One

Over the last two decades, I have spoken and written extensively on the conflicts in the Middle East, especially between the State of Israel and her enemies. The horrors of October 7, 2023, and the subsequent explosions of antisemitism around the world and in the USA demand a response that is thoughtful and offers solutions for peace.

Hopeful Realism for 2024, Part 2

As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, I hope that all of us can be hopeful and realistic so that we can achieve more than we thought possible, and we can weather the unexpected with grace. Here are some more observations for the year ahead: