Category Archives: antisemitic

Sanity about the Middle East: A Historical Overview, Part Two

The modern State of Israel was born out of two great movements: 1) the deep desire of Jews throughout history to have a homeland with Jerusalem at the center; and 2) the aftermath of the Holocaust as over six million Jews were systematically murdered during World War II. Form the first reports of the Shoah in 1941 and 1942, to the liberation of the concentration and extermination camps in 1944-1945, the world found it impossible to believe that such dehumanization and mechanized mass murder could happen. General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, ordered filming and written accounts to be made, and he predicted there would be later denials of this evil.

By 1947 Great Britain could no longer justify restricting Jewish emigration to their ancient homeland and turned over control of its mandate to the newly formed United Nations. During the war, England and all the Allies closed their doors to Jews seeking to escape the Nazi genocide. At Evian in 1938 and again in Bermuda in 1943, antisemitism won the day, even after clear reports of the atrocities.

On November 27, 1947, the United Nations voted Resolution 181) to partition the British Mandate into two areas: a small Jewish enclave where populations were mostly Jewish, and a larger Arab land. The Jewish Zionist groups accepted the small size and difficult borders. The Arab nations and populations did not. The Mufti (Islamic leader) of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El-Husseini, promptly declared jihad and the surrounding Arab nations (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, declared their opposition. The Mufti had been a close ally of Hitler, and he approved of the extermination camps of Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen. On May 14, 1948, Israel declared her independence as a nation, again accepting the UN boundaries. Israel also asked for all peaceful Arabs within her nation to stay in their homes and not take up arms. Alas, the Mufti and the nations around her all called for war.

A truce was declared in 1949. In the next 18 years, a variety of movements, resolutions, and organizations emerged among the Arab opponents of Israel, all saying, “NO!” to Israel’s existence and calling for all her people to be thrown into the sea. Please note, from 1949-1967 Egypt ruled in the Gaza, Syria possessed the Golan Heights, and Jordan ruled Jerusalem and what is called the West Bank. The 400-500,000Arab refugees from the 1948 conflict were NOT welcomed into the Arab nations – they were left on impoverished refugee camps, a perfect place for radicalizing the generations of haters.

The Palestine Liberation Organization and its military branch, Fatah, was established in the 1960s with a charter for the destruction of Israel. It is only at this moment that a “Palestinian national identify” was manufactured by the PLO with KGB support. While many Arabs had lived for generations in this land, they all identified with one of the cultures or nations surrounding them.

Since 1949, there have been numerous opportunities for peace:

  • In 1967, Israel defeats her much larger enemies and gains control of the Golan Heights, Gaza, The Sinai, the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), and Jerusalem.  These gains came from Israel defeating her foes on the battlefield, not a plan of genocide or expulsion.
  • In 1973, Israel was invaded and came close to losing her battle with Egyptian forces in the Yom Kippur War.
  • In 1978, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign the Camp David Accords, bringing peace between Egypt and Israel, full diplomatic recognition, and a framework for the future. Egypt receives the Sinai Peninsula back and leaves Gaza for a future Palestinian State.

From 1978 to the 2000s, numerous peace plans have been generated, with Israel willing to give back up to 93% of the territories gained in 1967 and even share a Jerusalem capital. Every time these accords are sabotaged by Arab leaders refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist. The late Yasser Arafat, head of the PLO, would smile for Western cameras, then reassure Arab audiences that Israel’s destruction was still the goal.

In 2005, Israel removed all her Jewish citizens from Gaza and gave control over to the Palestinian Authority, leaving a beautiful land, flourishing businesses, and hope for the future. Alas, in 2006, Gazans, fed up with the corruption of the PA, voted in Hamas, a terrorist organization devoted to Israel’s destruction. Hamas turned Gaza into a fortress, with their military hiding behind civilians. 

There is much more to share here, but this historical overview helps the thoughtful person realize that there can be no new Palestinian State and no lasting peace until Arab leaders recognize Israel, commit to diplomacy and trade, and renounce violence.

The apocalyptic ambitions of Shiite-rule Iran, the rapacious economic goals of China, and Russia’s ever-present interest in power all make this region volatile. Add to these empires the scores of Islamic radical movements, and generations of Arabs raised on anti-Jewish propaganda (including Holocaust denial), and we have a potent mix for eternal conflict.

This is the history ignored by current protestors, who chant slogans for Israel’s destruction and Jewish extermination. In the next post, I will assess the current situation and prospects for peace. Israel is far from perfect, but no other nation has held out her hand in peace so often, only to see it slapped away. Israel has no genocidal policies, and she will make peace when her enemies stop their killing.

Peace in the Middle East

Every day I hear and we read in various articles, “If only Israel would stop building settlements, welcome back 5,000,000 Arab refugees, and treat the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza well, there would be peace.” After all, it was the UN, Europe, and the USA that imposed a Jewish state on a peaceful land.”

Every point in the above paragraph is wrong. The people advocating these ideas (with a few naïve followers as exceptions) know they are outright fabrications. There CAN be peace in the Middle East, but the price cannot be the destruction of the State of Israel.

“OK, OK, let’s go back to the 1949 Armistice Lines and negotiate from there.”

Friends, Israel has come close multiple times to doing just that. She has offered a shared capital in East Jerusalem, up to 92-97% of lands acquired in 1967 for a new Palestinian State, and given the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt, Gaza back to the Palestinian Authority, and made many other overtures. Every time (1978, 1993, 2000, 2008, 2015) peace is offered, Palestinian leaders find a reason to refuse and call for more terror.

“What about the descendants of the thousands of refugees from 1947-1949? Shouldn’t they be able to return to their original villages? After all, they were exiled by war.”

Well, the number of direct refugees is disputed (400,000 were displaced, half by war, half by believing they would return in weeks after the Jews were destroyed). Israel cannot absorb millions of hostile Arabs into her nation. This is why a new Palestinian State should be created! The Arab nations have deliberately refused to assimilate these refugees, working with the former KGB to fabricate a Palestinian national identity in the 1960s. By the way, Palestinian Authority President Abbas has already declared that a new state will be, “Jew-free.” (Echoes of the Nazis) This is in contrast to the two million Arab citizens in Israel.

Is there any hope?


The hope is that a handful of courageous and influential Arab leaders will build on the Camp David Accords and the Abraham Accords, and call for recognition of Israel as a legitimate home for the Jewish people, renounce terrorism, and negotiate a way forward.

“This sounds great! There must be peaceful Muslims ready to do this!”

Here is the catch: the moment Arab Muslim leaders renounce Hamas and Hezbollah, dismantle the Palestinian Jihad, and say yes to a Jewish nation, they are targets for assassination. The West forgets a few inconvenient facts about Islamic history:

  • Islam has never produced a true pluralistic society where women and men of all faiths or none are complete equals.
  • Anwar Sadat made peace in 1978 and was killed in 1981 by radical Islamists.
  • Generations of Muslims in the Middle East have been brainwashed concerning the Jews, seeing them as inveterate enemies and less than human. Reading the school curricula is chilling.
  • Antisemitism is a demonic stronghold that reappears globally every generation. Jihadists are emboldened by Western criticisms of Israel and underlying Jew-hatred. 

Is there a way forward? Yes! If millions of people of conscience rise up in support of Israel’s right to exist in safety and condemn all forms of antisemitism. If every person of conscience will refuse to accept a symmetry of evil and call out the evil found in Hamas, Hezbollah, and all that justify the killing civilians, it will make a difference. It is time to hold the USA government accountable for their wishy-washy policies and have our State Department end its century of institutional antisemitism.

Courageous Muslim leaders, with the support of millions of freedom-loving allies, and the full economic and military support of the West, can create a new era of peace.

Praying today for the Peace of Jerusalem.

It is 1938-1948 Again

I am deeply disturbed by the anger, deliberate deceptions, and outright evil of those that advocate, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free.” These are all echoes of the horrific events of 1938-1948, as the Jews of Europe were systematically corralled, exiled, stripped of their livelihoods, gathered in ghettos, and ultimately industrially exterminated. From the events of Kristallnacht on November 8-9, 1938, to the blood-curdling jihadist calls for death in 1948, the world stood by far too passively, making excuses and then being shocked when a new Israeli state was victorious.

We have pagan-secular progressives joining with Islamic jihadists on behalf of the “oppressed” Palestinians, forgetting that Israel is a pluralistic democracy (with Tel Aviv among the friendliest cities to the LGBTQ+ communities), the only safe haven for Jews world-wide, and ready for peace at any time. Like the Nazis of the 1930s and 1940s, today’s evil axis projects their intolerance, antisemitism, and anti-liberty ideology onto the only democracy in the region.

I have been asked by many friends to offer a historical perspective on the current war in the Middle East. In this essay, I will offer some context for the current events. At the outset, a few things must be clear:

  • This is not a “both sides are equally good/bad” moment. There is no comparison between Israel’s treatment of her citizens and the populations under her control and the indiscriminate, inhuman killing of innocents by terrorists dedicated to killing every Jew on the planet.
  • For years, people have been subject to the agitation propaganda and phrases like, “the cycle of violence” or “Israel is an apartheid state” or “The Israeli government is fascist or Nazi.” This is absurd on its face, and the ultimate projection of the intolerant ideologies of Israel-haters.
  • The greatest deception of all is, “We don’t hate Jews, just the government of Israel…and Israel is a White, Western, Colonial-Settler invasion of peaceful Palestinian lands”. Israel is a safe haven for Jews from over 80 nations, has over two million Arab citizens, and offers true freedom while surrounded by a sea of Islamic intolerance.

Some important historical markers as we assess the current situation:

  • There has been continuous Jewish presence in Israel for over 3000 years, verified by archeology, artifacts, historical accounts outside the Bible, and the biblical accounts themselves.
  • In 135 A.D., after a failed Jewish rebellion against the oppressions of the Roman Empire, Jews were exiled (again) and the entire region was relabeled, “Palestine” by Roman leaders seeking to eradicate Jewish history and add insult to injury by renaming the land after the Philistines, enemies of Israel from Crete that settled in Gaza.
  • Jerusalem was conquered by Islamic armies in the 7th century, and became a third holy city in the tradition. Jerusalem is NOT mentioned in the Qur’an, but any land conquered by Islam is considered forever Islamic.
  • The Crusades (1096-1291) were the reaction of the West to centuries of Islamic conquest and oppression, including persecution of pilgrims in the Holy Land. These crusades included horrific anti-Jewish campaigns as well.
  • From the 1600s to the end of World War I, the Holy Land was under the rule of the decaying Ottoman Empire, with local chieftains exercising influence.
  • In the 19th and early 20th centuries, a growing Zionist movement called for Jews to return to their ancestral home, and thousands did, legally buying land at exorbitant prices. This movement accelerated with the rise of European antisemitism from the 1880s to 1930s.
  • The Mufti of Jerusalem, Husseini, called for the destruction of the Jews from the 1920s to the 1950s, including serving as Hitler’s voice from Berlin and giving approval to the genocide of the extermination camps. His most fervent disciple? Yasser Arafat.
  • In 1947-1948, In the shadow of the Holocaust, the United Nations carved out a tiny Jewish enclave and a huge Arab state in “Palestine.” Immediately, every Arab nation called for Israel’s destruction.
  • From the Six Day War of 1967 to the present, Israel has offered land for peace (1967, 1978, 1993, 2000, 2008, and even in 2015), relocated thousands of Jewish settlements, and hoped for an end to war…and she is always refused. She gave Gaza to the Palestinian Authority years ago. Instead of a jewel of trade, tourism, and vibrancy, it is an armed camp for Hamas.
  • Yes, Israel has real security measures, including multiple fences. No, Israel is not committing genocide. When you are surrounded by people calling for your destruction, you are just a bit cautious. Israel does not target Palestinian civilians for terrorist attacks. Thousand are allowed to live and work in areas overseen by Israel, and they earn higher wages and receive better medical care.

In light of this history, our first position must not include appeasement, false cease-fires, or capitulation to progressive pressures. We must stand with the nation of Israel, and all Jews, with gratitude for their moral and spiritual legacy, current affirmations of freedom, and that fact that Israel is a beacon of hope in a land of intolerance and radicalism. We must love life more than death, virtue-based liberty more than extremism, and truth over propaganda.

Certainties for 2023, Part 1

Futurists and prognosticators, social influencers and trend-setters are all making their predictions about the new year. From color palettes and wardrobes, to political battles and economic fortunes, there is no lack of “data” available as we surf the internet.

In these essays, I want to share some certainties about the year ahead that can inform our personal decisions and influence our communities. I am not claiming divine revelation, but I hope they reflect divine wisdom. I have considered biblical principles and historical insights, the inputs of women and men I trust, and observations of the human condition informed by reflection.

These certainties can change, if key players in particular dramas make foolish or wise decisions. While I trust the overarching providence of God, I also believe that humankind’s freewill introduces contingencies that alter the trajectory of both persons and nations. For example, a child with few prospects and raised in abuse and poverty is mentored by a caring woman or man and learns wise decision making. What was “inevitable” is now forever changed for the better.

Here are seven certainties as we enter 2023, and ideas for thoughtful responses:

First, many will keep defending their ideology-driven narratives, despite facts and information challenging their assertions. The public square will continue being a contentious place and many will engage in projection as they accuse opponents of “disinformation.” Thoughtful women and men must humbly investigate, reflect, and offer principled responses, regardless of the noise around them.

Second, economic uncertainty and opportunity will continue. We are in the midst of epoch- changing global and local upheavals, with the rise of the gig economy, a generation of frustrated college graduates, and changes in the types of jobs that pay sustainably. The “great resignation” is real – and many will have to re-enter the workforce with lower expectations. These harsh realities are offset with opportunities as our global and local economies continue supporting creativity and innovation. If we are people of character who know our charisms and are willing to gain new competencies, the future is challenging and encouraging.

A third certainly in our world will be the rise of histrionic and irrational antisemitism as protest groups go beyond critiques of Israeli policies (which are part of Israel’s own contentious public square) and morph into historical eliminationism and anti-Jewish screeds. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” does not mean a peace settlement with states living in harmony. It means the destruction of Israel and extermination of Jews. Fortunately, Israel is a robust democracy, a “start-up nation” and a dynamic partner in energy and technology. She will weather these storms.

Next week, we will share four more certainties. For now, it is vital that we decide ahead of time to turn our hearts toward our Lord, keep our heads, and be slow to speak. Thoughtful persons take time to process reactions and consider responses.

The Way Forward, Part Seven: The Gift of the Jews…and Israel

The recent Hamas-initiated violence against Israel has brought antisemitic voices to the public square once again. Thousands of rockets were aimed indiscriminately against a peaceful, tolerant nation. And for inexplicable, but predictable reasons, Israel was blamed for this latest “cycle of violence.” Though Israel is far from a perfect nation, she is the only multicultural democracy in the entire region and has offered generous peace terms for decades to leaders dedicated to her complete destruction. Calling Israel an “apartheid state” (she has nearly two million Arab citizens) and “Nazi-like” is inverted and perverted thinking of the highest order, especially when Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic jihad, and Fatah (The PA military wing) all scream for her utter destruction and praise the policies of Hitler.

Before offering some ideas for peace, it is right that we remind ourselves of the positive contributions of Judaism to our world, even as Jews have faced racial and religious persecutions, pogroms, and the unutterable horror of the Holocaust.

Our Jewish neighbors bring three millennia of monotheism and morality, quests for justice and wisdom, and the foundations of individual dignity and socioeconomic fairness to our world. Christianity is built on these foundations and when it is not linked with coercive power, her adherents have shared with the Jews the values of compassion, love, and liberty. Tragically, Christian persecution of the Jews has been (and sometimes still is) an inexcusable part of her history and theology and was a foundation for the mutation of racist antisemitism that emerged in the 19th and 20th century and turned into industrialized murder by the Nazis.

Our Jewish neighbors have lived in the Middle East for over 3000 years. In spite of enforced emigrations, they never left Jerusalem and the surrounding areas completely. “Palestine” was a manufactured term by a vindictive Roman Empire in the 130s AD as they banished the Jews for their resistance and renamed Israel after their historic enemies the Philistines. The land that is now Israel was under Roman, Byzantine, Islamic/Ottoman, and from 1917 to 1947 British rule. There was never a cohesive Palestinian state or national identity – until Jews began to return to the land of their ancestors in the 19th and 20th centuries.

This return – led by a variety of Zionist movements – was not a military conquest. Land was purchased legally from the locals and with approval of the Ottoman Empire. Often the parcels purchased were of little value – desert and swampland, overpriced urban real estate, etc. With the help of global friends and much hard work, flourishing villages emerged and Jewish culture was revitalized. The end of World War I brought a surge of Jewish immigration, with the initial approval of the British and even the welcome of King Abdullah of Transjordan. With both League of Nations and local approval, a variety of plans were made for a homeland. Several Zionist groups agreed to an autonomous Jewish zone within Abdullah’s kingdom in 1922. Alas, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and the leadership of the Mufti of Jerusalem shattered such peaceful plans with their calls for violent jihad. From the 1920s to the present, all attempts at peace (including offering a co-capital in Jerusalem and 96% of territories gained by Israel in her victory of 1967) have been rejected. Yet Israel is blamed for her “occupation” and “oppression.”

Peace in the Middle East will only come when Arab leaders acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as the national homeland of the Jewish people and stop questioning her legitimacy and calling for her destruction. It is chic for some Western progressives to demonize Israel and see Palestinians as the oppressed, even to the point of calling Israel (and by extension all Jews) “White” colonizers! Such ignorance of anthropology, ancient and modern history, and the facts on the ground is appalling. The surge in global anti-Jewish violence is a direct result of such deceptive ideologies and narratives.

The enormous contributions of Jewish tradition and the current State of Israel are gifts to our world. Israeli global compassion, leadership in medicine, science, and technology, flourishing cultural expressions and willingness to cooperate with others are signs of goodness that no agitation propaganda can completely erase. Sometimes there are not two equal sides to every issue. In the case of Israel against the world, our Jewish friends have the high ground. Should Israel be criticized for some of her actions? Yes – and there is no livelier public square than Israeli politics! But turning our ears and eyes away from the real issues will not foster lasting peace.