Tag Archives: disinformation

A Second Term for President Trump: Hopeful Realism and a Word of Wisdom

As I pen this essay two days after President Trump’s inauguration, I am aware of half the country being hopeful, even ecstatic and the other half feeling dejected and deeply concerned. The following insights are those of a Christian leader and public intellectual that appreciates the American ethos of freedom in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This historically unprecedented Amendment includes:

  • For the first time in global history, there is no state church or favored religious expression. This freedom of conscience/religion is the first freedom and undergirds all the others.
  • Freedom of speech.
  • A free press.
  • The right to petition government with concerns (redress) without fear.

For a quarter century, ideologues have been eroding these liberties, with some trying to erase religious influences (i.e., “freedom of worship” in private instead of true freedom of religion), especially Christian ones, from public view, and others aiming at censoring “offensive” speech and “disinformation.” This election was not only about the economy and global affairs. There are many people of conscience in both parties that desire a public square with civil debates and no cancelling of those who diverge from accepted narratives. We must defend for all others the rights we desire for ourselves and do a better job of persuasion instead of alienation.

The truth leaks out over time. Consider these issues:

  • COVID measures were arbitrary, sometimes extreme, and often rooted in opinion, not science.
  • Iran really is working on nuclear weapons and she and her proxies want Israel and the USA destroyed as part of their religious vision.
  • Government programs are often ineffective and wasteful, with many agencies unable to account for billions of dollars.
  • It turns out we cannot account for millions of undocumented immigrants, including over 300,000 children.

The 2024 election was a repudiation of policies set in motion since the early 2000s and the decisions of both parties. This said, some cautions are in order as we observe, defend, or oppose new policies. Here are five insights.

First, we do not elect messiahs.  We choose flawed human beings who are made in God’s image and struggle with sin. This is why we are told to pray for ALL in authority, from local officials to our president.

Second, the President is not a King, and the Congress and Judiciary really matter for lasting change. We must urge legislators to balance a budget, improve effectiveness, and hold elected and unelected leaders accountable.

Third, sustainable flourishing for all, with access to education, capital, and opportunities requires more than lawmaking and government money. We must learn and apply the wisdom that transforms people and communities.

Fourth, we have far too high a percentage of the population that gets far more from the government that they give or have given. The long game must include government officials at all levels having the same private pensions and Social Security investments as the rest of us. Public employee unions are unneeded and subversive of true accountability. Remember, friends, when the government spends money, it is our money.

Fifth and finally, the American experiment in virtue-based liberty rests on a population committed to first principles and an ethical vision rooted in timeless truth. Without a spiritual awakening marked by humility before God, moral reformation, and unselfish love toward our neighbor, the efforts of any political leaders are temporary measures at best.

How shall we go forward?

On our knees in reverential awe of God and petitioning the Almighty for mercy and justice.

Hand in hand with each other, aiming for all to flourish.

Debating fiercely without personal insults and listening fully to each other.

Doing today’s work well, knowing that each daily decision builds our personal destiny and contributes to the preferred future we desire for generations to come.

I am hopeful and realistic about this moment. I pray for awakening and prophesy against the abuses of power. I pray for peace and know we must have moral and military strength. I labor so all can flourish and have my grandkids in my mind as I consider and discern the best ways forward. If you are grieving right now, lend your thoughtful voice to debates without labeling and libeling. If you are happy, be sober about the foundations that need repair for a positive future. Above all, let’s humble ourselves before God.

Christmas 2024 Message: Hope Rooted in Love and Truth

The recent election in the USA represents renewed political and social hope for some and deeply disconcerting signs for others. In this essay, I am foregoing political commentary and focusing on the deeper needs and hopes of humankind. We do not elect messiahs or monarchs, and the last half-century serves as a warning that no person or party contains all we need for a flourishing future.

Christmas is about divine humility and hope, as God becomes one of us forever in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Our identity, purpose, and flourishing begin with love and reverence for the Lord, followed by alignment with God’s principles. The message of Christianity is not self-improvement, but a new creation. Jesus is not a guru, he is God. Cries for justice are heard by the Almighty, and we can be partners with the Lord is bringing much good to our world.

From federal budgets to global hotspots, from sexual anarchy in the post-modern West to totalitarian rule in many places, our world is filled with crises. Serious peacemaking efforts are welcome, but sustainable shalom must include changes in the human heart as well as military and political action. The moral chaos we see around us will only change when there is a recommitment to enduring truth that is beyond our momentary feelings and thoughts.

Here are some applications of Christmas love and truth for our world:

  • “Be a good person” is only possible when goodness is rooted in the unchanging character of God.
  • “My truth” must be exchanged for the pursuit of the truth.
  • “Toleration” must again be understood as living peaceably with our differences, not celebrating every opinion.
  • “Democracy” means little without ethical first principles that are shared by citizens. The American experiment is representative governance with protections for all citizens, not the rule of a current 51%.
  • “Disinformation” is a term used historically by totalitarian states to limit access to all ideas and information. Freedom includes hearing and reading things we do not like. “Consensus” can be a slippery term and must not be used to stifle inquiry.  “Everyone knows” or “97% of scientists say” deserve examination.
  • “Make America Great Again” is a popular political phrase, but it must be tempered with the reality that there are no good old days – just good people in old days.

The King who comes to us in a creche calls us to seek the glory of God and the good of others before our own temporal pleasures or personal ambitions. My prayer for each reader, for the USA, and for the nations is that the “good news of great joy” shared with shepherds will reach every barrio and hamlet, every migrant procession and refugee camp, every penthouse suite and mansion, every home and the homeless, and when received, change the trajectory of each person and community that embraces the Messiah.

Merry Christmas and thank you for reading and reflecting with me as we aim for a free and virtuous world.

Certainties for 2023, Part 1

Futurists and prognosticators, social influencers and trend-setters are all making their predictions about the new year. From color palettes and wardrobes, to political battles and economic fortunes, there is no lack of “data” available as we surf the internet.

In these essays, I want to share some certainties about the year ahead that can inform our personal decisions and influence our communities. I am not claiming divine revelation, but I hope they reflect divine wisdom. I have considered biblical principles and historical insights, the inputs of women and men I trust, and observations of the human condition informed by reflection.

These certainties can change, if key players in particular dramas make foolish or wise decisions. While I trust the overarching providence of God, I also believe that humankind’s freewill introduces contingencies that alter the trajectory of both persons and nations. For example, a child with few prospects and raised in abuse and poverty is mentored by a caring woman or man and learns wise decision making. What was “inevitable” is now forever changed for the better.

Here are seven certainties as we enter 2023, and ideas for thoughtful responses:

First, many will keep defending their ideology-driven narratives, despite facts and information challenging their assertions. The public square will continue being a contentious place and many will engage in projection as they accuse opponents of “disinformation.” Thoughtful women and men must humbly investigate, reflect, and offer principled responses, regardless of the noise around them.

Second, economic uncertainty and opportunity will continue. We are in the midst of epoch- changing global and local upheavals, with the rise of the gig economy, a generation of frustrated college graduates, and changes in the types of jobs that pay sustainably. The “great resignation” is real – and many will have to re-enter the workforce with lower expectations. These harsh realities are offset with opportunities as our global and local economies continue supporting creativity and innovation. If we are people of character who know our charisms and are willing to gain new competencies, the future is challenging and encouraging.

A third certainly in our world will be the rise of histrionic and irrational antisemitism as protest groups go beyond critiques of Israeli policies (which are part of Israel’s own contentious public square) and morph into historical eliminationism and anti-Jewish screeds. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” does not mean a peace settlement with states living in harmony. It means the destruction of Israel and extermination of Jews. Fortunately, Israel is a robust democracy, a “start-up nation” and a dynamic partner in energy and technology. She will weather these storms.

Next week, we will share four more certainties. For now, it is vital that we decide ahead of time to turn our hearts toward our Lord, keep our heads, and be slow to speak. Thoughtful persons take time to process reactions and consider responses.