Hopeful Realism for 2024, Part 1

Every new year begins with forecasts and predictions for the coming months. Some of these are thoughtful prognostications rooted in good research and reflection. Other are subjective guesses, offered as clickbait in a fantastical or fatalistic spirit. In this essay, I want to offer some pithy statements to stimulate thoughtfulness and ethical action. In a world awash with extremes, I hope these will encourage hearts and empower creativity.

Thankfulness is the Antidote to Narcissism

As my wife Kathy was walking from her arrival gate to the trains at the Denver airport one evening, she observed in one person’s behavior a portrait of our self-centered era. The person was very well-dressed, with every item chosen carefully and labeled just so. As they were speaking on the phone, Kathy heard these words in a loud voice, “O my, it is so noisy here. I think I am going to have a panic attack.”  Kathy was concerned and prepared to help. The next words were all about parties and restaurants and how crazy other people are. This person jauntily walked in another direction, looking at themselves in every reflective space while carrying on an insipid conversation.

Having a Clean Conscience and a Clear Head: Sanity in an Upside-Down World

Every day we are inundated with information on personal growth, including new elixirs, exercise programs, and new age philosophies promising mindfulness and wellness. While some of this information has value, the proponents of these ideas (OK, the marketing teams) often leave out more substantial insights leading to human flourishing.

Peace in the Middle East

Every day I hear and we read in various articles, “If only Israel would stop building settlements, welcome back 5,000,000 Arab refugees, and treat the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza well, there would be peace.” After all, it was the UN, Europe, and the USA that imposed a Jewish state on a peaceful land.”

It is 1938-1948 Again

I am deeply disturbed by the anger, deliberate deceptions, and outright evil of those that advocate, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free.” These are all echoes of the horrific events of 1938-1948, as the Jews of Europe were systematically corralled, exiled, stripped of their livelihoods, gathered in ghettos, and ultimately industrially exterminated. From the events of Kristallnacht on November 8-9, 1938, to the blood-curdling jihadist calls for death in 1948, the world stood by far too passively, making excuses and then being shocked when a new Israeli state was victorious.