The recent election in the USA represents renewed political and social hope for some and deeply disconcerting signs for others. In this essay, I am foregoing political commentary and focusing on the deeper needs and hopes of humankind. We do not elect messiahs or monarchs, and the last half-century serves as a warning that no person or party contains all we need for a flourishing future.
Post 2024 Election Insights: Humility and Hope
As people celebrate or mourn the election results of last week, it is wise to consider the varied messages by the voters. Some really good news: there are no accusations or evidence of serious fraud or malfeasance by either party and the current Administration is committed to peaceful transition. Kudos to those elected and those leaving office for their commitment to our process.
Special 2024 Election Essay: Understanding the Moment: A Call to Courage, Discernment, and Wisdom
Prayers and Reflections in a Tumultuous Season, Part II
Prayers and Reflections in a Tumultuous Season, Part I
This moment is about more than electing particular leaders. Underneath the political polarization and the cultural clashes is a spiritual battle raging for the destiny of millions. In these two essays, I want to offer prayers and insights that will help us be good dual citizens of the kingdom of God and the USA (or anywhere we are living). We must begin any reflections with our identity as God’s people who are holy exiles (Jeremiah 29; I Peter 2:9-17). Exile is NOT disengagement, a bunker mentality, or retreat from reality. Exile is engaging incarnationally and understanding all the forces arrayed for and against the purposes of God. Here are some paragraphs and prayers.