Category Archives: West Bank

Sanity about the Middle East: A Historical Overview, Part One

Over the last two decades, I have spoken and written extensively on the conflicts in the Middle East, especially between the State of Israel and her enemies. The horrors of October 7, 2023, and the subsequent explosions of antisemitism around the world and in the USA demand a response that is thoughtful and offers solutions for peace.

There have always been haters of Jews and of Israel…even some self-loathing anti-Zionist Jews. And there have been courageous Arab leaders willing to make peace. Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco are enjoying the economic and social benefits of peace, with Saudi Arabia and others quietly moving toward peace with Israel. Formal peace agreements and frameworks for a new Palestinian State have been presented from 1978 (Camp David I) all the way to 2015. Each time the world hopes, and each time the Palestinian leaders and Islamic radicals change the terms and declare a new “Intifada” or “Jihad.”

What makes current antisemitism so heinous is the complete delegitimizing of the Israel as a nation. We are not talking disputes over borders, capitals, or military forces. This new generation of protestors is siding with radicals and declaring that the entire history of Israel since 1948 is nothing but a “White Settler Colony” or an imposition of the West committing “genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

In this essay and the one next week, I will offer historical facts and frameworks of hope that are contrary to the deluded crowds shooting, “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free.” The same evil forces animating the Holocaust are at work again and must be opposed. Here are some important facts giving context for current events:

  • The Jewish people have resided in Jerusalem and this region for over 3000 years.
  • “Palestine” was an artificial creation of the Roman Empire after they defeated the Jews in a second rebellion in 135 AD. The Romans deliberately named the region (trying to erase Judea and Samaria) after the Philistines, the enemies of Israel who settled in Gaza and came from Crete.
  • From the second century all the way to the 19th century, this land has had a succession of empires, while always having a Jewish population. The Crusades briefly brought Christian rulers (1099-1178), but after 1291 and until 1917, it was ruled by the Seljuk Turks and then the Ottoman Empire.
  • In response to persecution in both Europe and other regions, Zionist movements (religious and secular, conservative and liberal) arose in the mid- and late-19th century, calling on Jewish people and their sympathizers to create a safe homeland in the Middle East. From the 1850s to the early 1900s, many Jewish groupie legally purchased land for farms and villages from local landowners and began to transform deserts and swamplands and create lively places like Haifa and Tel Aviv. There were some instances of violence, but they were few.
  • In the wake of World War I (1914-1918), calls for accelerating a homeland increased, with British and international support between 1917 and 1923. Various Zionist groups were open to enclaves within the Transjordan Kingdom, or semi-autonomy under Great Britain, or a small nation with good relationships with Arab neighbors.
  • But along with increasing desire for this well-deserved homeland, the 1920s saw the rise of Arab nationalism and jihadism, the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood, and radical leaders calling for an end to colonialism. No Arabist movement wanted any kind of increased Jewish presence and violence toward peaceful, legal Jewish communities increased.

Next week we will continue the narrative from World War II to the present. It is vital that honest people see that Jewish longings for peace and safety in their ancient homeland are legitimate biblically, historically, and affirmed by international law.  As we will see, the idea that the modern state of Israel is a genocidal imposition is an outrageous projection of the jihadists’ desire to eliminate Israel.

One more topic must be touched on. There are anti-Israeli protestors claiming they only oppose Israeli policy but are not anti-Jewish. This is a lie for 99% of the agitators. Israelis themselves live in a contentious, pluralistic democracy. The only place where a rainbow flag flies safely in the whole region is in Israel! Israel has over two million Arab citizens; the current Palestinian leader insist that their future state will be, “Jew-free”. The PLO, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad all have charters calling for Israel’s destruction.  Disagreeing with Israeli policy is fine, denying the legitimacy of a nation created in the shadow of the Holocaust is evil.

Peace in the Middle East

Every day I hear and we read in various articles, “If only Israel would stop building settlements, welcome back 5,000,000 Arab refugees, and treat the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza well, there would be peace.” After all, it was the UN, Europe, and the USA that imposed a Jewish state on a peaceful land.”

Every point in the above paragraph is wrong. The people advocating these ideas (with a few naïve followers as exceptions) know they are outright fabrications. There CAN be peace in the Middle East, but the price cannot be the destruction of the State of Israel.

“OK, OK, let’s go back to the 1949 Armistice Lines and negotiate from there.”

Friends, Israel has come close multiple times to doing just that. She has offered a shared capital in East Jerusalem, up to 92-97% of lands acquired in 1967 for a new Palestinian State, and given the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt, Gaza back to the Palestinian Authority, and made many other overtures. Every time (1978, 1993, 2000, 2008, 2015) peace is offered, Palestinian leaders find a reason to refuse and call for more terror.

“What about the descendants of the thousands of refugees from 1947-1949? Shouldn’t they be able to return to their original villages? After all, they were exiled by war.”

Well, the number of direct refugees is disputed (400,000 were displaced, half by war, half by believing they would return in weeks after the Jews were destroyed). Israel cannot absorb millions of hostile Arabs into her nation. This is why a new Palestinian State should be created! The Arab nations have deliberately refused to assimilate these refugees, working with the former KGB to fabricate a Palestinian national identity in the 1960s. By the way, Palestinian Authority President Abbas has already declared that a new state will be, “Jew-free.” (Echoes of the Nazis) This is in contrast to the two million Arab citizens in Israel.

Is there any hope?


The hope is that a handful of courageous and influential Arab leaders will build on the Camp David Accords and the Abraham Accords, and call for recognition of Israel as a legitimate home for the Jewish people, renounce terrorism, and negotiate a way forward.

“This sounds great! There must be peaceful Muslims ready to do this!”

Here is the catch: the moment Arab Muslim leaders renounce Hamas and Hezbollah, dismantle the Palestinian Jihad, and say yes to a Jewish nation, they are targets for assassination. The West forgets a few inconvenient facts about Islamic history:

  • Islam has never produced a true pluralistic society where women and men of all faiths or none are complete equals.
  • Anwar Sadat made peace in 1978 and was killed in 1981 by radical Islamists.
  • Generations of Muslims in the Middle East have been brainwashed concerning the Jews, seeing them as inveterate enemies and less than human. Reading the school curricula is chilling.
  • Antisemitism is a demonic stronghold that reappears globally every generation. Jihadists are emboldened by Western criticisms of Israel and underlying Jew-hatred. 

Is there a way forward? Yes! If millions of people of conscience rise up in support of Israel’s right to exist in safety and condemn all forms of antisemitism. If every person of conscience will refuse to accept a symmetry of evil and call out the evil found in Hamas, Hezbollah, and all that justify the killing civilians, it will make a difference. It is time to hold the USA government accountable for their wishy-washy policies and have our State Department end its century of institutional antisemitism.

Courageous Muslim leaders, with the support of millions of freedom-loving allies, and the full economic and military support of the West, can create a new era of peace.

Praying today for the Peace of Jerusalem.