Tag Archives: terrorism

A Word for Mr. Trump

Dear Donald Trump,
I pen these words with prayers for you and our nation.

You have caused quite a stir.

But unsettling the political landscape is not statesmanship.

For some you are the key to our nation’s survival.
Others see a narcissist running a new reality show.

I think you are – like all people – beautiful and broken – gifted and selfish, concerned about country and struggling with character.

Many share your concerns on immigration and jobs, national security and terrorism, inefficient government and insecurity about America’s future.

I know that many of your positions are “opening negotiating positions” especially the ban on Muslim immigration and the wall with Mexico.

But Mr. Trump, character matters. You cannot shout, “crooked Hillary” and not face your own challenges. I call on you to cease personal insults and offer clarity on:

  • Immigration that remains hospitable.
  • Job creation that keeps goods flowing globally.
  • Abortion: will you support the Republican platform?
  • First and Second Amendment liberties.
  • Racial reconciliation – how to we reduce tensions and engender unity?

And there is much more…

I haven’t decided my vote. Frankly, I am dismayed that neither party could do better.

Will you envision a future and demonstrate the ethics necessary for all to flourish or are you merely one more demagogue we must endure?

Stop the insults. Start sharing insights. Come clean on any hidden issues.

And above all, cease boasting about all you will do.
Please articulate what all of us must do for a better future.

I already have a Savior…I am looking for a public servant.

To (Perhaps) Our Next President

Dear Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton,
Insults are substitutes for critical thinking and civil debate.

Calling Trump “racist” or “sexist” enables opponents to avoid both his record and serious consideration of their own classism and prejudices (i.e., “guns and religion” generalizations and marginalization)

Merely calling Clinton “crooked” does the same, preventing accountability for serious policy formulation (gender must not be the focus – policies and principles matter!)

Both candidates must offer insights on:
Immigration: can we be hospitable and wise?
Healing racial tensions.
National security and the fight against Islamic terrorism.
Balancing the budget and controlling the federal Leviathan.
Long-term entitlement stewardship.
Global military and political alliances and strategies.
The relationship between the federal government and freedom for persons and states.

Supreme Court nominees…
And there is so much more.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.



Telling the Truth: A Public Conversation

Telling the Truth about Islam, Part 1
As several nations face the scourge of Islamicist terror, telling the truth about Islam has never been more important. After the 9/11 attacks in the USA, Western elites have been falling all over themselves separating the “religion of peace” from radical groups that “pervert” a distinguished monotheistic religion.

It is time for the truth.

Yes, most Muslim neighbors are peaceful people. The same can be said of people of all faiths or none in most circumstances. Most people do not murder in pursuit of power. Yes, there have been historical moments when Christian nations have made war on Muslim nations. And, yes, there have been tragic errors in Israel’s pursuit of security amidst scores of nations and millions of people desiring her destruction.

Qualifiers complete. It is time for truth.

21st century Islamist terrorism is consistent with a conquering ethos that dominates Islam from its inception to its current forms. From the conquest of the Arabian Peninsula by Mohammed’s armies in the 620s to the Ottoman expansions into the 17th century, Islam fosters political, military and social domination, allowing Christians and Jews limited freedoms as second-class citizens and violently persecuting all other religions as a matter of policy.

10-10-732 and 9-11-1683

On October 10, 732, the Frankish troops of Charles Martel repulsed the Umayyad cavalry in a field between Tours and Poitiers. The century prior to 732 was one of unabated Islamic conquest. On September 11, 1683, the army of the Ottoman Empire was defeated at the gates of Vienna (in large part thanks to valiant Polish cavalry), ending centuries of Ottoman conquests in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe.

Crusaders and colonizers: it is complicated.

Politically correct historians and cultural commentators enjoy lambasting Western oppression of Islamiclands, citing the Crusades of 1096-1291 and the European race for Africa and the Middle East between 1870 and 1940 as proof that modern Muslim anger is justified and the West is getting a taste of its own medicine. The Crusades represent a complex series of events originating in both Eastern and Western Christian imperial aims. These included protecting pilgrims and reconquering lost territory. Add to this mix the promises of material and spiritual honor and a toxic mix of motives and methods emerges. After 1291, no Christian presence remained in the Holy Land apart from small religious enclaves.

The colonialism of the 19th and 20th centuries was the result of the vacuum left with the end of the Ottoman Empire. There is much indefensible oppression and one must separate the economic and political power games of Western nations from the humanitarian and spiritual goals of Christian missionaries – they were often at odds with each other. By the 1970s, however, no Western nation controlled Muslim territory and the emergence of OPEC and the untold oil wealth ended the ability of Islamic regimes to blame the West for their economic problems. As one Imam in Cupertino CA recently said, “Given the wealth of many Muslim nations, there should not be a single poor Muslim in the world.” (Name withheld for his personal protection.)

And there is Israel.

The birth of the modern State of Israel in 1948 is considered a great evil in the eyes of global Islam. Extremists deny both the existence of Israelite presence in ancient times and the severity of the Holocaust! They avoid the uncomfortable facts that the Mufti of Jerusalem supported mass extermination in 1941, encouraging Hitler with his plans for the Auschwitz and Saschsenhausen death camps. Moderates claim that this tiny state is a Western colonial imposition and now an “apartheid” oppressor of Palestinians. A few brave Muslims work for peace at the risk of their lives. Israel’s support of religious freedom, the presence of a million Arab citizens and a vibrant democracy and economy do not matter – she must be eliminated. Every radical Muslim group repudiates Israel’s right to exist.

How then shall we live?

Islam is organically incapable of fostering an egalitarian democracy. The Qur’an has no texts allowing for the equality of all citizens in a Muslim nation. Reform groups that catch media attention either repudiate foundational Muslim texts or act as a cover for extremist agendas.

Americans and all lovers of liberty must face the truth about Islam. In next week’s essay, we will explore positive attitudes and actions for a better future.

“Dear Mr. President” A Response to Terrorism in Paris November 2015

Dear Mr. President,
We are afraid and angry, wounded by Paris and trying to deal with evil.
We need non-partisan, statesman like reassurance rooted in moral and political strength, not contemptuous dismissal of political opponents or declarations that concerned citizens are without compassion.

We need to see genuine empathy for suffering Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Yazidis and other non-Jihadi dissidents. Please open our doors to these populations and use your office to demand Iranian release of prisoners and an end to Islamist persecution.

When tragedy occurs we need responsive action, not annoyance and deflection. 
I want to believe that you mean well, but your actions in the past days are cause for grave concern. 
A few drone strikes, changing language from “contained” to “on the run” and vilifying opponents is unhelpful. Strong action in concert with allies is the order of the day. Reasonable security screening and a call for Muslim states to receive refugees are reasonable ideas, not xenophobia.

Finally, Mr. President, I have historical news for you: life does not conform to ideological narratives. You and your advisors are so enamored with your anti-West, post-colonial, globalist visions that you refuse to confront the evils of radical Islam. These terrorists are not victims of the West and “frustrated” by “economic injustice.” These are followers of demonic extremism that enjoy engendering fear and they will not stop until their totalitarian vision is realized or sufficient moral and military force brings defeat.

By the way, in your “evolution” on marriage, please note that there is only one Middle East location where LGBTQIA folks are safe: Tel Aviv. 
There are enough people of conscience of all faiths or none that will unite to secure the liberties we enjoy.

So what must be done?

First, you must declare that freedom of conscience and religion is the first freedom and the foundation for all others. Your must unequivocally repudiate any attempts to impose Islamicist rule in pluralistic societies with concomitantly challenging all Muslim nations top demonstrate compassion and greater liberty for minority populations. Ironically, Gadhafi and Assad were (and are) dictators, but they allowed greater religious liberty than many of our “allies.”

Second, you must partner with European and Middle Eastern allies and even Russia to seek and destroy all IS locations and those of their allies. Yes, concern for civilians must be paramount, but not paralyzing.

Third, you must use all your power to protect non-Islamic religious communities and help them defend themselves and if needed, come to the USA. It is criminal to deport Christians and welcome a flood of infiltrated Muslims.

Fourth, use your final year in office to build broad consensus instead of fighting more ideological/political battles in the name of your legacy. History will be much kinder to you join with all political factions and build coalitions for domestic and international compassion and justice.

I hope and pray you listen to the best voices of conscience and humbly receive these and similar words of wisdom. Millions pray for you, whether they agree with your policies of principles. Will you thank us by listening?

Time to lead.