Dear Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump,
Congratulations. The race is on.
You each must answer fundamental questions about America’s future:
What is your ethic of human dignity, from conception to coronation, and how do we treat the vulnerable?
Will you affirm without qualification the first freedom of the First Amendment – complete freedom of conscience/religion and repudiate all attempts at enforced theocracies of any kind?
Will you call on all allies everywhere to affirm human dignity and equality and freedom of conscience, repudiating all slavery and dhimmitude?
Will you outline a real strategy against ISIS and other terror groups that includes our allies?
What is a hospitable and wise immigration policy?
How will federal budgets be balanced?
What is our posture toward Israel and a Palestinian Authority still dedicated to her destruction?
How do we really heal racial divisions?
How do we balance the blessings of global free trade with concern for American workers?
How will you balance free enterprise with proper ethical oversight?
AND…What are the virtues that nourish true liberty and what are the responsibilities of every citizen?
Madame Secretary and Mr. Trump, Our times call for statesmanship, not gamesmanship. Our times call for conciliation and conviction, courage and humility, not ad hominem attacks. It is easy to label and libel – much harder to articulate the vision and sacrifices necessary to secure the future. Self-love and lust for power are the road to personal and national self-destruction. Please articulate a way forward that ensures the common good without a nanny-state and unleashes ethical enterprise and compassion for all.
Waiting for character and vision.