This moment is about more than electing particular leaders. Underneath the political polarization and the cultural clashes is a spiritual battle raging for the destiny of millions. In these two essays, I want to offer prayers and insights that will help us be good dual citizens of the kingdom of God and the USA (or anywhere we are living). We must begin any reflections with our identity as God’s people who are holy exiles (Jeremiah 29; I Peter 2:9-17). Exile is NOT disengagement, a bunker mentality, or retreat from reality. Exile is engaging incarnationally and understanding all the forces arrayed for and against the purposes of God. Here are some paragraphs and prayers.
We need more thoughtfulness. In our autonomous, subjective world, we too often ditch critical thinking and careful speech, and parrot agitation propaganda rooted in ideological narratives instead of empirical and rational research and reflection. The truth of a matter can be nuanced, but we prefer clicks over conversation, emotion over ethics. We can have convictions with compassion, learn more about many issues, and debate kindly.
“Gracious and loving Lord, hear our cries for help and pleas for mercy. You are near the brokenhearted and attentive to the crushed in spirit. Come with your embrace to all suffering loss today. Bring your healing to the afflicted. Fill hearts with hope in the midst of unexplainable challenges. Use your people to bring help to the hungry, justice to the oppressed, and an invitation to new life when we surrender to you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.”
If we lament the anger and divisiveness of public conversations, then we must not add fuel to the fire by speaking and writing reactively. Intense, lively debate over issues is vital, but playground name-calling and labeling masses of people diverts focus from serious moral and political reflection. May we find love and unity at The Table. Kyrie Eleison.
Holy Lord, search my heart and scrutinize my thoughts. I welcome your conviction leading to repentance and your compassion empowering empathy. Purify my motivations and transform my affections. May your glory and the good of others animate all I do. Displace envy with encouragement, for your kingdom has room for all to flourish. May unconditional love and uncompromising ethics win the day. Amen.
Holy and loving character will sustain us after the hype and loud noises fade away.