Intelligent Compassion

The manufactured crisis on the USA-Mexico border calls for thoughtfulness, not polemics, intelligent compassion for thousands, not agitprop soundbites and images. It is possible to welcome those that desire a better life while upholding the rule of law and screening out pernicious persons dedicated to our demise.

There is serious physical and psychological damage  being inflicted on  the thousands of minors that are pawns in a cynical and selfish game. Genuine refugees from violence, family members of legal U.S. residents and others that follow the rules need all the help we can muster. But the influx of people with communicable diseases, gang members and terrorists is nothing to dismiss. The fact that Mexican gangs and military personnel have fired on our Border Patrol in our territory call for enforcement, not capitulation. The potential for sex or work slavery for these desperate folks is palpable.

What is the answer? We have a President refusing to negotiate in good faith and Republican leaders paralyzed by political fear. Amnesty for all will not play in home districts, but tightening regulations opens leaders to accusations of hard-heartedness, racism and xenophobia.

The way forward involves courage, integrity and wisdom. Here are policies that will work:

*Secure the border and screen entrants for the safety of all – both USA residents and the immigrants themselves.

* Establish streamlined processes so that all emigres have clear avenues, from laborers to high-tech workers, refugees of war to family members of legal residents.

* Legislate reforms that respect the law and hold all branches of government and enforcement accountable.

* Deport all prisoners here illegally.

* Finally, changes the language to reflect reality: “Unaccompanied” and “undocumented” are euphemisms. One is either illegal or legal, following the rules or violating the law.

We can do better…Ellis Island 1880-1920 is proof of this. Let’s exercise intelligent compassion and watch our future grow brighter.

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