Dallas tragedy.
No words.
I am weeping over the historical and systemic injustices still rampant in our land.
As a citizen grateful for first responders and law enforcement, I am weeping for families left desolate.
I am weeping bitter tears over the extremists that gain from inflamed tensions while people of conscience of all colors and classes seek some way forward.
Since the loss of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and the polarization of both political parties, we have lost the moral and spiritual center that grounds peace, reconciliation and shalom.
There is hope: authentic, deep, moral and spiritual awakening rooted in humility and sacrificial love.
There is hope: when we begin with the infinite value of every person and the dignity and equality that flow from this conviction.
There is hope: when we desire peace for our posterity over the passions of this moment.
Weeping and hopeful today.