Tag Archives: injustices

A Way Forward

Dear friends of conscience from all parties or none:
It is time for a new conversation.
When racism is veiled in patriotism, it is time to call this evil.
When anarchism is veiled in justice language, it is time to expose destructive agendas.
When advocates for the Left propose things they know they cannot fund, it is time to say, “Get real!”
When advocates for the Right forget the serious historical and systematic injustices oppressing millions, it is time to say, “Repent!”
When we like someone or approve their agenda, we overlook often egregious faults.
When we dislike someone or their agenda, the smallest flaws are reason for rejection.
I am ready to converse, pray and roll up my sleeves with all that desire every person and community to flourish.
Yes, we will disagree on (sometimes eternally) important things.
I will defend the rights of others that I desire for myself.
What I cannot defend is hatred and violence.
The new conversation starts today – even in our posts!





Challenging the Clichés with Facts: Insights for our Future, Part 1

Reactions are easy.
Reflections require patience and prayer, research and analysis.
American political conversations are poisoned with clichés, generalizations, recycled 1960s slogans and polarization.
There is a better way.
Here are some thoughts for our future:

Facts are inconvenient.
They ruin our ideological myths and narratives.
Critical thinking and empirical research are being buried under an avalanche of propaganda.

Dear friends on the Right,
Human history everywhere is a sinful record of conquest and power seeking. 
It is also filled with saintly, sacrificial exceptions worthy of celebration. 
Please be unafraid when facing our nation’s difficult history and current systemic injustices.

Dear friends on the Left, 
Marxism is a bankrupt ideology and will never work in practice, for it suppresses individuality and crushes the spirit. 
As you rightly critique institutional injustice, please do not avoid examining individual iniquity and use some of your energy to hold people accountable for moral actions.

Dear thoughtful friends, Instead of polemical screeching, how about prayerful dialogue? 
Instead of hating Hillary and Donald, why not forge concrete solutions for freedom and safety (they are there waiting for discovery)? 
Above all, let’s recognize that there are no lasting victories without moral and spiritual renewal and shared values.