The Fourth of July: A Time to Rejoice…and Repent

July 4, 1776: Only John Hancock signed the Declaration that day – others would add their names on August 2 and beyond. John Adams, a rather dour fellow at times, was effusive that Independence be celebrated with great fanfare.

Here is my 4th of July tribute as a dual citizen of God’s Kingdom and our nation.

Rejoicing and Repenting

I rejoice in the greatest experiment in virtue-based liberty and I repent for past enslavement and oppression.

I rejoice in freedom of conscience and religion, with a free market of faiths and ideas and I repent for misguided and unjust actions in the name of any religion.

I rejoice in equality and opportunity and repent that we squander these privileges with momentary pleasures.

I rejoice that citizens have a say in their nation’s destiny and I repent from my apathy that forfeits this honor.

I rejoice in the many nations that make up our one nation (E Pluribus Unum) and I repent that the First Nations (Native Americans) were oppressed instead of embraced.

I rejoice in brave soldiers defending freedom and I repent that they often serve poor leaders and policies.

I rejoice in our compassion for the needy at home and abroad and repent for the destruction of life in the womb.

I rejoice in our Constitution and I repent that so few know it well.

I rejoice that God has blessed America and I repent of my lack of gratitude for so much mercy.

A Republic will only be as free as its citizens are virtuous. May we renew the covenants: first with Christ and then the Constitution. May we remember that governments exist to protect, not bestow God-given rights. 
May God bless America…and every nation – for God loves unconditionally and judges without partiality.

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