First Thoughts on the Trump Era

My first directly political comments this year:
Dear Congress, I am praying for you tonight. Please do your job and pass legislation.
Republicans, reach across the aisle with principled compromise and proximate justice.
Democrats, please do not let hatred for President Trump keep you from your stewardship. Stop posturing and start serving. It is possible that:
Healthcare can be refined without millions losing coverage.
Our military can be strengthened without the poor marginalized.
Our veterans deserve better.
The EPA can protect our lands without overreaching militancy.
All aspects of government can improve efficiency.

You do not need to wait for all your cues from the White House or the media. Show some courage and make some friends across the aisle.

Lord, bless all public servants with an unselfish disposition and a vision for the common good that yields fruitful work and public trust.

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