Tag Archives: immigration

Telling the Truth about Islam, Part 2

How do we respond to millions of good neighbors and implacable enemies? How can lovers of virtue-based liberty create better policies for the years ahead? Here are three insights:

One: We must be good, loving friends to our Muslim neighbors and engage in mutually enriching conversations that foster human flourishing and safer neighborhoods. Sharing our Christian faith with gentleness is a risk worth taking, if we believe our own Bible.

Two: We must face the truth that millions of Islamists do desire the destruction our cherished freedoms, from ending our First Amendment under the guise of repudiating “hate speech” to the enforcement of Sharia law, locally and globally.

Three: All nations that value liberty of conscience must work together on immigration, military responses to terrorism and economic opportunities in order to secure lasting peace.

Telling the truth is uncomfortable, but needed for moral authority. In the next installment, we will face the truth of Western oppression directly and understand how repentance from historic and present sins joined with generosity of spirit can turn enemies into friends.