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A Beautiful America

America the Beautiful begins with beautiful dispositions in her people.
St. Francis of Assisi and Loren Cunningham (founder of YWAM) both taught that Christians should counter forces of hatred and violence, greed and pride with “the opposite spirit.”

Friends, let’s oppose hatred with love, violence with the hard work of peacemaking, greed with generosity and arrogance with humility.

This goes for conservatives and progressives, Sanders and Trump supporters – anyone with a conscience and care for her or his neighbor.

Let’s also oppose hyperbole, agitation propaganda and outright lies with critical thinking, consensus building and good information that engender hope.

We can argue passionately – and enjoy a meal.

We can debate policies – and apply shared principles.

We can build a better future, one shared meal (and Eucharist) at a time.




For Our Children

Dear conservative and liberal friends and all candidates for office:
Insults are easy.
Critical thinking requires work.
Dismissing people for their color or gender negates civil debate.

Labeling and libeling any idea or person outside our cozy space is both immoral and unwise.

May we please debate economic and political substance instead of promising what we cannot deliver and burdening the next generation with our uncourageous procrastination?

We cannot pay for every liberal promise.

Conservatives must learn proximate justice for their causes.

ALL people of conscience care for the poor and vulnerable – they may disagree on methods, but not the aims of compassion or justice.

Jesus is not a conservative or a liberal, capitalist or communist – He is uncontainable in our little ideological boxes.

For the sake of the world and generations yet unborn, let’s face reality with hope and forge solutions that help everyone prosper.

Sanity, Please!

Dear fellow stewards of God’s beautiful world,
May we please care for the earth without worshiping her?
May we redeem our environmental mistakes without destroying economic progress?
Can you partner with me for sane policies that are not a veil for massive coerced redistribution of wealth that destroys productivity and subverts human flourishing?

Can you please debate climate change without labels like, “denier” – equating my skepticism about Al Gore’s ideas with Holocaust denial?

Science is defined by debate, not secular inquisitions that seek punishment for the non-conforming. (16 attorney generals want to punish companies that are skeptical – a massive shakedown)

Freedom includes listening to ideas we disagree with, not marginalizing dissenters with agitation propaganda.

I challenge serious scientists and laypersons to civil, reflective dialogue and partnership for the common good.

By the way, conservative friends – good ecology is the key to a good economy for generations yet unborn.

Liberal friends, I really do not want global governance and taxation – problems are best addressed locally if possible.

Let’s talks about coal, oil, solar, geothermal, wind and other forms of energy with compassion and realism, not polarizing shouting.

This is my Father’s world and it deserves all the care I can bring.

Billions are being lifted out of poverty – NOT by central planning, but access to markets, property rights and the rule of law.

I am still hopeful, as I love my neighbor with today’s value-producing work.


At the Table Together

Financial stress globally and personally.
Culture wars gone mad (Bathrooms, really?)

I am grateful that I serve a kingdom that cannot be shaken, even as everything is in flux (Hebrews 12).

To all friends, Left and Right, Religious and Skeptical: let’s have a real conversation on the values and vision that foster human flourishing in our neighborhoods and nations.

Choosing to displace shouting with serving and labeling with love for neighbor.

Come, let’s enjoy a meal together.





Election 2016: A Lament

Election 2016. A lament.
It is not just a challenge to party elites.
It is a referendum on our character.

My lament is deeper than the rhetoric and tactics.

My lament is that women and men of fine character in both parties are swept away while we are left with tired ideologies and narcissism.

We cannot pay for every progressive promise and Donald Trump does not affirm his party’s principles/platform.

For the sake of generations ahead, let’s call for character, principled proximate justice and reaffirmation of the first principles of love and virtue that create a free society.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.