Yearly Archives: 2010

24 Hours at Acton

This week I have the honor of being a Kern Foundation Fellow attending a special conference at the Acton Institute/University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The focus is the integration of Christian faith and leadership in economic, political and social arenas. All too often there is a disconnect between Sunday’s religious experiences and the pressures of commerce and community Monday through Saturday.

In the first episode of the first year of the television series 24, lead character Jack Bauer said that,”Today is the longest day of my life.” And for the next several years we were kept on the edge of our seats by the plots twists, layers of conspiracies and Jack Bauer’s moral and relational challenges in pursuit of justice. Whether you liked this show or not, it compressed time and made all devotees wonder how much activity can be crammed into one day.

In comparison, I can say that the past 24 hours at Acton have been among the most inspirational and intense in my life of learning. From Father Sirico’s memorable stories of 1950s Brooklyn life to Immaculee Iligagiza’s riveting testimony of courage and forgiveness in Rwanda, I have been subject to the finest thinking on faith and society. I have met leaders in all fields from over 20 states and as many nations, from Albania to Ecuador and from Alaska to Turkey. All of us are committed to our faith and to human flourishing. Whether, Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant, participants share a deep loyalty to excellence, integrity and eternal values.

My personal motto is “Think deeply and act decisively.” Acton is proof that deep thinking and decisive action are connected and crucial to the future of our planet. It is refreshing to hear intellectual giants affirm that government exists to protect God-given rights, not bestow them. It is exciting to see compassionate leaders dedicated to helping the poor affirm that free markets are the most empowering way forward, not bureaucrat-controlled enterprises. Economics is more than tax policy – it is the delightful art and science of creating wealth, serving human need and expressing our calling to create, discover and manage the wonders of the world.

In every conversation, discussion and lecture, the foundations of faith and virtue are affirmed as the essential conditions of true freedom. Freedom is not a license for anarchy and self-indulgence. Real freedom is the opportunity to realize our full destiny in the context of bringing glory to God and good to others. It is enlightening to see the rich Judeo-Christian heritage brought into focus, along with the deficiencies of the various 18th and 19th century philosophies that spawned the secular, totalitarian experiments of the 20th century, with countless dead in the name of party, race or soil.

Father Sirico’s memories of Brooklyn unveil the common values held by diverse families on one block of an American city. His neighbors includes Irish and Italian immigrants, Catholics and Protestants and the “Mayor” of the block, Mrs. Rabbinowitz. Mrs. Rabbinowitz was a 70-something Jewish lady who sat on the front porch and heard and saw everything. With a single sentence she could still the course language of a dozen boys arguing over a stick ball base runner. How was this possible? How could people from very different cultures all get along? How could the voice of one old woman, threatening to tell one boy’s parents of his verbal transgression, calm a crowd of adolescents? The answer is profoundly simple. All the families shared tacit values, regardless of ethnicity or religion. There was a civil center of virtue that was the glue of the community. Hard work,respect for authority, reverence for God and truth-telling were obligations, not options.

Immaculee Ilibagiza spent 91 days with seven other people hiding in a bathroom to escape the genocidal machetes in 1994 Rwanda. Today her home has been rebuilt and it is a center of forgiveness, healing and piety in her town. She has privately and publicly forgiven the man who murdered members of her family. She found in Christ and prayer the courage to choose faith, hope and love over doubt, despair and revenge. Hearing her story places all my “suffering” in perspective. My life has not always been easy, but my tribulations pale in comparison to sisters and brothers in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, the horrors of Rwanda and Darfur and the millions enslaved for sex or work.

24 hours of compelling testimony, insightful instruction and encouragement from new friends inspires me to greater courage and service. Stay tuned for Day Two.

Issues We Must Not Ignore

In recent dialogues with social activists, I am noting a disturbing trend among those who identify themselves as Christians and ‘post-conservatives.” There is a visceral fear among many devout people at being identified with the Right. This disdain for conservatism leads them to take positions they claim are compassionate and nuanced, while in fact they are violations of their deepest moral principles. My concern is that these well-meaning folks are being usurped by the Left as they react to the Right.

I see this confused compassion in the phrase, “We need to get beyond abortion and gay marriage and focus on more important things, like justice for the poor and environmental concerns.” The confusion is also exposed in how the current Middle East crisis is interpreted. These compassionate post-conservatives are playing into the eliminationist anti-Semitism of radical Islam and secular Europe with their calls to punish Israel for defending herself. The same United Nations that voted for partition and the creation of a Jewish homeland in 1947 has spent the last 60 years condemning every attempt of Israel to protect herself from destruction.

We cannot ignore these three fundamental issues. There are intelligent ways to navigate toward solutions that are equitable for all and compatible with biblical faith.

Abortion is the destruction of life. In some cases it happens naturally, as in a miscarriage. In cases of the mother’s life in danger, it may be a tragic moral choice, hard but necessary. The consequences of rape and incest (non-voluntary intercourse) do not have to include abortion, however, we must have compassion for the women involved who are recovering from trauma. But abortion as birth control, abortion as the removal of an inconvenience is not morally right. When people scream, “a woman’s right to choose” they are forgetting about 1) the baby inside the womb (called a fetus if not wanted and a baby if desired!); 2) the father of the child; and 3) the potential for adoption.

The way forward is to nurture a culture of life that welcomes children, provides for single parents, opens doors for adoption, and protects the vulnerable while reminding us that we are not the Almighty. The same people who bemoan the forced sterilization of thousands of mentally-challenged people and particular racial and social groups from the 1890s to 1960s are forgetting that Planned Parenthood’s founder was a eugenics devotee who wanted to make sure that certain classes of people did not breed! These same folks support cloning, designer babies and all kinds of “scientific” progress with no moral absolutes to guide the process.

Gay Marriage is an oxymoron. GLBT people are individuals deserving all the benefits and protections of civil society. They should be free from fear, undisturbed in private adult activity and able to form voluntary associations. But marriage, by all definitions throughout history, is a social and spiritual compact between a man and a woman that ensures the future of the family, clan, tribe, community and civilization.

The way forward includes domestic partnerships and civil unions that protect the rights of the people involved, but are not in the category of marriage. When a California legislator told a clergyman, “Give us gay marriage and we will give you a religious exemption so you don’t have to perform the weddings” a sociopolitical tipping point arrived. The idea that government is now bestowing rights to religious communities instead of protecting them is a complete reversal of our Founder’s vision and a total violation of our freedom of conscience.

Clergy who preach against homosexual practice must not be persecuted for hate speech. It is interesting that the far Left says nothing about the oppression of gays and women in Islamic nations while pouring vitriol on Catholic or Evangelical advocates of biblical morality. It is the Judeo-Christina ethos of freedom and tolerance, developed (sometimes haltingly, with many advances and reversals if we are honest) over that last half-millennium, that created the right to criticize. It must be noted that opponents of gay marriage and homosexual practice are NOT judging the soul or ignoring the complexities of why people feel the way they do. Biblical advocates also reject gossip and greed, extramarital heterosexual activity and other attitudes and practices destructive to relationships and spiritual vitality.

The mere presence of the state of Israel is unacceptable to the majority of Arabs and Muslims. Israel has valiantly fought off her enemies for 60 years and come to the peace table numerous times ready to end the conflicts. Nobel Peace Prizes have been (presumptively) awarded for these efforts. But in every case, militant Islamicists have subverted the process. Has Israel overreacted at times? Yes. The disaster in Lebanon in 1982 is a stain on Israel’s history just as Wounded Knee troubles the American conscience. This said, Israel is the only democracy in the region, has Arab citizens and religious freedom and over and over again demonstrates her willingness to negotiate directly for peace.

The Muslim world needs to show courage and toleration and advocate two things: 1) the legitimacy of Israel’s existence in secure borders and as a partner for prosperity; and 2) the ending of terrorism that kills civilians and continues the cycle of violence. A new Sadat needs to emerge who will face down Al-Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban and offer friendship.

Environmental sensitivity and compassion for the poor are possible without capitulating to statist socialism. We can create wealth and manage the environment. We can have private-public partnerships. We can hold capitalists accountable and streamline necessary government services. We can agitate for workers while affirming the right of owners to make a profit. We can deliver health care locally and regionally without a centralized Leviathan rationing services and providing jobs for folks with no other skills.

I urge all Christians and other friends of freedom, from all faiths or none, to keep arguing about solutions that actually work without sacrificing the virtue-based liberties that cost our Founders their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor.” Ideologies of Right and Left are the enemies of good morality and theology. Atheist and fundamentalist can live as neighbors and build a better world. Jew and Muslim can be friends, civilly debating while partnering for better schools and peaceful neighborhoods.

We cannot ignore or “get past” crucial issues. We can, however, forge solutions that make our world better. Will you join me in the debate and sacrifice necessary for a better future?

Disconnected Despotism

There are two special days in the past weeks that the current Administration completely ignored. It seems that far too many Americans, awash is apathy, ignored them as well. The first is Memorial Day and the second is the anniversary of D-Day, June 6.

Barack Obama is the first President to not attend the service at Arlington National Cemetery. He decided vacationing in Chicago took precedence over both honoring the dead and leading the living in crises around the world. The lack of any attention to D-Day is also inexcusable. These two days transcend policy debates. Fallen soldiers deserve our respect.

This callous disregard for tradition and continued despotic leadership do not bode well for our future. Europe still honors the dead of WWI and a visit to Ypres and the Somme battlefield unveils a respect for history sorely needed by those in the White House. We are being led by people who came of age in the narcissistic 1970s and 1980s, with revisionist history, hatred of tradition and media-driven image-making machines. We now have people in both parties whose goal in life is power and privilege itself, rather than real service to the nation and the world.

Barack Obama misstated the facts of WWII when he commented that his grandfather helped liberate Auschwitz (the Russians were the liberators in 1945). This was later explained as a misunderstanding – Obama meant that his grandfather served with a larger Allied force that liberated camps. The inability to get basic facts straight, the continued refusal to release any personal documents (Where are you Woodward and Bernstein? Where is Daniel Ellsberg?) and the arrogant dismissal of respect for our soldiers is cause for deep concern.

By the way, I want the USA out of Afghanistan and Iraq as soon as possible and I think Europe can defend herself well. We should have rapid-deployment forces ready to combat terrorism and work only with nations who want us present. I am not a “hawk” and I am not blindly supportive of all things military. With efficiency standards in place, we can cut military spending (but only when cutting all other waste as well.) while still defending our freedom. Sometimes, like the war in Vietnam, our soldiers are placed in horrible strategic and tactical situations. Sometimes a few soldiers lose it and we must prosecute them. All this said, our men and women in uniform – past and present – deserve better leadership. It is not hard to take trips to Arlington and Normandy to convey gratitude.

A final note: Farewell, Helen Thomas – we will NOT miss you. There is no place for your eliminationist sentiments. I only hope your repentance is real and that you will build peace instead of inciting hatred.

Farewell Adam

My friend Adam Cintz died yesterday at the age of 99. His life was full and his family was near. He survived two wives and was a success in business and in the community. He was a cheerful presence to all and until recent months continued to read voraciously and tinker in his workshop. All of us will miss him deeply and my heart goes out to the family as they cope with their loss. His sons and their families loved him dearly and will carry on his legacy of bringing good to our world.

The loss of a loved one at any age is hard. Whether their life was brief or long, and whether the end came gradually or abruptly, the grief is real and it takes time for all of us to cope with the change. We are confronted with our mortality. We encounter our own faith and fears and we hug our living family and friends a bit tighter. To all who have suffered loss recently, I offer my heartfelt sympathy and prayers.

What is distinctive about Adam is that he was a Polish (and naturalized US citizen) Holocaust survivor with an amazing story of courage and survival. At some time in the future the family will publish the rich details of his life; for now, some highlights that were part of his public talks will serve to inspire our journey on this planet.

Adam’s life included losing his father during World War I when he was six years old, living in abject poverty in Warsaw and Lodz, and supporting a family during the rapacious reign of the Nazis. He survived the horrors of Auschwitz and other camps and was miraculously reunited with his wife after the war. They settled in Palo Alto and San Jose and made a life for their family from 1949 to the present.

Adam was on the last train to leave the Lodz Ghetto. Summer and fall 1944 were the final months of the Final Solution and hundreds of thousands perished in the evil convulsions of the Nazi nihilism. He managed to protect his family from “deportation to the East” for five years, only to lose his eight-year-old son to the flames of Auschwitz upon arrival.

Over the years, Adam has shared his story, supported Holocaust groups and various causes. In recent years he took more time to make sure the younger generation heard the facts about his life and the six million who did not survive. Adam was a hard worker and his life was not a simplistic story. His last 60 years have been filled with laughter and tears, happiness and hurts, cherished memories and personal pain, just like most narratives of caring and thoughtful people.

Adam was neither an atheist nor particularly religious, but he was deeply connected to his Jewish identity and lived a life of hope and goodness, believing that people could make better choices in the future. He was loved by people of all faiths or none and he passionately promoted love and toleration. He disliked fanaticism of any kind and loved seeing all people do well. He loved America, flaws and all. He loved Israel, seeing it as a necessary land for his fellow-Jews, while always hoping for peace with Israel’s neighbors.

With only three years of elementary schooling, Adam taught himself to read and speak English. He enjoyed learning and his home was filled with all kinds of books. He had a particular love for Holocaust and general Jewish history and testimonies.

I had the honor of spending many hours with Adam and I came away enriched by his courage, humor, insight and hope. He would greet everyone with, “My name is Adam, not the first one.” He loved to tell stories, and he was a good listener and enjoyed laughing. When the tears came to his eyes as he recalled the Holocaust, he would wipe them away and resume the story – a man at peace who could still feel the losses of a century.

As I say farewell to my friend, I see qualities that I want to emulate:

First, cherish the past without being chained to it. Adam’s sorrow was never far from his mind, yet he built a good life in the USA.

Second, live a life of love and treasure every day. Adam brought joy to everyone he met.

Third, keep history alive, especially defining moments. After Auschwitz, the world said, “never again.” But Mao’s massacres happened and Pol Pot’s murders are not imaginary. Rwanda and Darfur are recent examples of our inhumanity. We must allow the past to inform our future as we humbly determine to do better.

Adam was a new friend in my life, but a soul who will stay with me. His life spanned a century of change and turmoil, progress and violence, explosive growth and unprecedented challenges. In the midst of it all, Adam loved his family and friends, shared his story and nurtured hope. I only hope I will do as well with the season I am given on earth. My love goes out to his family and the extended family of fellow-survivors who carry the burdens of history and the blessings of hope. Thank you for enriching our lives.

Farewell dear Adam. I will carry your smile and tears forward.

Imagine 2010

Forty years ago, newly ex-Beatle John Lennon captured the attention of the world with his evocative, quasi-Marxist utopian ballad, Imagine. He cried for a world free from borders, nations, possessions, religion and war with everyone “living for the world.” The song remains a favorite of folks over 50 and all who share its collectivist and globalist sentiments. Though I do not share the late singer’s philosophy, I do resonate with the desire for a better world, free from the passions that divide us and incite so much hatred and violence.

To mark the anniversary of this song, I offer a new, 2010 version, with more achievable and less ideological sentiments. Imagination is a good thing. Envisioning a better future is the first step in the courageous pathway to a better destiny. I do not offer the following thoughts with Lennon’s tune in mind, though I invite the musically-inclined to compose a new anthem. I believe that thoughtful souls from all parties and traditions can embrace these affections and affirmations.

Imagine no fatwas, no suicide bombs, no children used for anger and hate.
Imagine no collateral damage, no border lands in danger, ooh, you may say I am dreamer
But I’m not the only one.

Imagine all husbands faithful to their wives and every home a place of peace.
Imagine no children rushed between the ex-‘s, but secure with Mom and Dad.
I wonder if you can.

Imagine our leaders keeping their word, and all neighbors lending a hand
Imagine no one hungry, a real brotherhood of man. Ooh, you may say I’m a dreamer
But the One who made us all showed us the way.

Imagine all the people living for faith and future
Something to live and die for, the healing of our land. Ooh, you may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one. I hope someday your join me
As the many are one.

OK, it will not make the charts, but the idea is clear. The way forward is NOT more fear, collectivist structures and repression of ideas. The way forward is faith and hard work, fidelity in relationships and building a better future for our posterity. The way forward unites imagination and integrity, as we envision a better nation and world and chart the ethical pathway to achieve it. The way forward requires a moral and spiritual awakening that will reverse the anarchy and narcissism of the past 50 years. It will require each of us desiring for others the liberties we want for ourselves.

All the regulations for business practices must apply to government agencies. Public employees must meet higher standards of ethics and productivity. Pension funds must be privatized and unfunded mandates ended. Divorce petitions must be reviewed and parents admonished to think of their children and not just their personal passions. Economic expansion and sane environmental policies must coexist to ensure our future. Creating wealth while caring for the commonweal will be the new norm as we remember that liberty requires virtue.

Our First Amendment will again be a beacon that guides our civil discussion. Apart from direct threats of violence, we must allow all manner of opinions and argue in public about our differences that make a difference. The role of government, regulations on business, religious values, political debates – all deserve a hearing, even if we radically disagree. Such is the brilliance of our Founders, who gave us a Constitution after months of acrimonious debate. It is easy to retreat into our ideological fortresses, label of enemies and avoid solving problems. Today’s politicians suffer from what I call, “The Hezekiah Syndrome.” The Israelites King proudly displayed the treasures of the Jerusalem Temple to the emissaries from Babylon. Later, the same king pleaded with God for an extended life and reign. A prophet came and said that his rule would be extended, but his hubris opened the door to his successors being subject to foreign control. What was Hezekiah’s response? We was relieved that it was, “not in my lifetime.”

Today’s leaders in all parties care more for their power and privilege that for the long-term good of our nation and the world. They are exempt from accountability (except at the voting booth!), have “guaranteed” pensions and see all of us as statistics to be manipulated. Change will come one decision, one relationship and one vote at a time.

Here is a final verse to my hit song:

Imagine all adults voting, I wonder if you can.
All well-informed on issues, caring for their fellow-man
Ooh, you may say I’m a dreamer
But there is power in one.
I hope today you will join me until the battle for liberty is won.