Category Archives: Sexual Identity

Being Human: Ancient Wisdom and Eternal Hope, Part 2

Indignation concerning the anthropological anarchy of our age is understandable and moral outrage concerning the propaganda directed at vulnerable children and adolescents is appropriate. But indignation and outrage must give way to thoughtfulness and reimagination of the good so that the beauty of “normal” can recapture hearts and minds. In the last post, we shared the current gender and sexual identity crises and offered some pillars of wisdom for social progress. In this essay, we will explore the foundations for recovering our sanity and social conscience. Here are five foundations that will help us rebuild, renew, and restore virtue.

One: We begin with the bookends of the Bible: Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22. Here we see the divine design and destiny of humankind. Before you read further, I am not advocating for theocracy or demanding that everyone adhere to all the Bible. I am painting a picture of humanity that, as we shall see, is shared by most of the world, regardless of culture or religion. The poetry of Genesis 1:26-28, 5:1-2, and Revelation 21-22 presents three things about humankind that are liberating and foundational to much of our discussions on human rights:

  • Every person is fashioned in the divine image. Even when sin and evil enter the picture, this image is effaced, not erased.
  • Every person is designed to both “dwell” with God and “do” work with God, tending to communion with the divine and stewarding creation.
  • And every divine image bearer enjoys God and creation as a male or female. The wedding song of Genesis 2 speaks of equality and mutuality. Genesis also anticipates the eternal future of Revelation 21-22 where, “the dwelling place of God is with humankind” and the restored community brings the fruits of their (non-oppressive) labor to the Holy City.

Yes, in our fallen, imperfect world, there are some (<0.2%) intersex individuals, but this does not change the general principles. All people need compassion and welcoming friendships.

Two: With this overall dignity and equality in mind, we must labor so that all have access and opportunity to flourish. So much of human history includes male dominance, ethnocentric oppression, and religious and political suppression. Both religious and non-religious advocates of justice can unite around the flourishing of persons and communities, neighborhoods and nations. Being very vulnerable, Christian communions can do much better in fostering true equality, inclusivity, and opportunity. Too often, in reaction to pagan and secular opposition, Christians have sought refuge in fallen, subcultural gender norms that are not biblical or liberating. There is still a long road ahead for cultural and ethnic inclusion in many places.

Three: Those who live with same-sex attraction are not less human than heterosexuals. Within Christian community, both groups are called to celibacy if single. Both are called not to lust after or objectify people to whom they feel attracted. Sexual intimacy outside of the marriage of one man with one woman is morally wrong, but there is grace for those that struggle. The Bible itself is full of people violating divine norms, and when they repent, God is present to forgive.

All people must beware of their disordered loves. Our perennial problem is allowing immediate attractions to triumph over unselfish affections and actions. Too many people are letting their current (remember, it can change) erotic proclivities be key to their identities. There is so much more to every person than momentary passions! Please note: chosen gender identity is a completely different category than biological sex or race which are natural givens. 

Private, consensual adult sexual behaviors are part of a pluralistic world. While the Church can stand for its virtues, we must not reimpose intolerance. This does not mean that it is intolerant to call unbiblical behavior immoral! Jewish and Muslim traditions share much of the same morality with Christians. While Buddhist and Hindu schools vary widely, all promote self-control and family harmony. Secular Stoics often join with other non-religious advocates in arguing for moral discipline concerning sexual behavior.

Four: Empirical research and rational reflections must be welcomed as antidotes to complete subjectivism and the triumph of feelings over critical thinking. It is amusing seeing the lawn signs affirming “science is real” while science is utterly ignored concerning biological identity and the consequences of wanton disregard for sexual discipline. The very few and limited studies concerning the neurology of trans identities fails to prove anything other than social influences affecting brain activity. Even uncovering potential markers for certain feelings does not change the binary nature of humankind.

Five: These issues are ultimately spiritual in nature. From the Communist Party USA platform of 1964 calling for the destruction of the nuclear family to present caricatures of “cisgender” identity, evil forces are out to, “steal and kill and destroy” humanity (John 10:10a). From AI advocates calling for man-machine singularity to earth first radical environmentalists desiring a human population half its current size (and seeing humanity as parasitical), we see the demonic designs against the goodness of being human. This is ancient paganism refashioned for modern tastes. Sexual debauchery as religious activity, killing children in and out of the womb, and sexual role reversals were all part of the idolatry, immorality, and injustices the Hebrew prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles warned God’s people about.

In contrast, people of faith have been advocates for the vulnerable, peacemakers in the midst of war, and stewards of creation instead of worshiping natural forces and hating being human. The second part of John 10:10 declares that Jesus comes to give life abundantly, overflowing…IF we receive him and follow his commands to love God and neighbor unselfishly. Contemporary haters of Judaism and Christianity think they are liberating humanity from religious oppression and that their recent notions of morality are new. The opposite is true here. Purveyors of sexual anarchy and promoters of subjectivity are actually neo-pagan adherents building a new Tower of Babel dedicated to Self.

As we stand for love and truth, we must do so with compassion and courage, hospitality and humility, always desiring for all the liberties we desire for ourselves.

We Know Better, Part 4: Being Human

We are in a crisis of human identity. Both anthropology (the study of human nature, cultures, and experiences) and epistemology (the study of knowledge and the search for the truth particular matters) are being debated in unprecedented ways.

In this essay, I am NOT advocating to any reversion to cultural-historical functions for women and men or calling for coercive rules for how adults peaceably regulate their lives. A pluralistic, free, and virtuous society rests on freedom of conscience and voluntary association(s). In the spirit of the title of this series, I am asking that we pause from our misplaced anger and unreflected compassion and realize that we do know better about sexual identity.

There is no place for bullying or harming any person of any identity. But declaring criticism of these ideologies, “violence” is itself an attack on freedom of conscience.

When a Supreme Court Justice appointee refuses to define the word woman (an adult biological female is the proper answer), the triumph of subjectivism is almost complete. When even secular feminist thinkers are excoriated for not affirming every current fad of gender anarchy, we are in trouble. When normative biological sexual identity is defined as “cisgender(ed)” and any hints of the differences between boys and girls are called out as “toxic” – we are in trouble.

As I share my thoughts, I come to this with decades of education and interaction in the epicenters of gender reflection: Santa Cruz and Berkeley, CA. All of my academic degrees and much of my work has been amidst the ever-changing currents of what is politically/publicly acceptable. I have laughed and cried, served and worked with women and men of all faiths or none, and all manner of sexual attractions and identities. Each person is a divine image-bearer and offers much to our world. And, until recently, my deepest convictions were at least somewhat respected and tolerated. After the Supreme court decision of 2015 affirming gay marriage (with the Justices admitting that many will disagree and must be allowed such freedom), it seemed that everything desired by proponents of non-traditional lifestyles was in place. No discrimination, no persecution for private behavior, and access to all privileges and services others enjoy.

But the radical proponents of gender anarchy were not done. Suddenly our culture wars metastasize and there are now scores of identities that must be publicly celebrated, and children must have the right to alter their body’s chemistry and even eliminate signs of their biological sex, without permission from parents! Now the real agenda of the radical Left is exposed: destruction of the biological/nuclear family. Mom, Dad, and biological children in a unit of loving cooperation is now seen as hindering progress toward “the collective” and a remnant of outdated religion. Never mind that in all civilizations throughout all of history, parents and children (and their extended clans) are the heart of human identity and flourishing.

The pagan-secular Towel of Babel is now a transhumanism of complete subjectivity.

When feminists Martina Navratilova, J.K. Rowling and Naomi Wolf are excoriated as “TERFs” (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) and biological males can choose new bathrooms and compete in female sports simply by declaring a new identity, we are in trouble.

Friends, we know better. With rare exceptions, the DNA and physiology of male and female are innate and unchangeable. There is HUGE range of behaviors and dispositions (and neuroscience affirms a range of conditions) of males and females, so stereotyping is unhelpful and unscientific. If adults desire a certain identity, name change, and have a range of affections, that is their private business. But asking rational and religious people to promote such ideas and actions is coercive and a violation of conscience.

Friends, we know better. Children and adolescents are in a constant state of development and expecting them to have the faculties for choosing their gender and ripping such choices away from family systems is cruel and unjust. Research for more than half a century places the number of long-term same-sex attracted and bisexual people at somewhere around 5% of the population (Kinsey’s bad research and his 10% figure from the 1950s have been repudiated many times), for men and women over 25. The explosion in adolescents identifying as bi- or trans- is clear cultural conditioning. When school officials hide children “transitioning” from parents, this is a complete violation of family preeminence over the state.

We know better. Biology matters. Public schools have no business imposing their ideologies on students and hiding their agendas from parents. Ethical statements about sexual identity and practices are not violence. Let’s affirm liberty for all – including the liberty to make moral proclamations without fear.

Rightly Ordered Loves, Part 3: Sexual Sanity

When historians look back at some of the moral currents of the early 21st century, they will call it an “era of anthropological confusion.” It is good that we are no longer imprisoning consenting adults for private activity and that there is robust dialogue of gender and sexual identity and practice.

I have forthright opinions of sexual identity and morality; however, these are not the focus of this essay. Persuading folks that disagree with my Christian convictions is better done in civil, personal dialogue or in lengthy communication. Here I want to argue that all sides of the current disputes on gender and sexual identity and practice are missing an important factor as they seek to persuade, or, in some cases, coerce conformity to their understanding of what is moral and tolerable.

The mistake our entire culture is making on sexuality is profound: we have made Eros the Almighty and sexual pleasure the defining characteristic of human identity. This is tragically deficient anthropology, reducing identity to one’s current sexual proclivities. There are great complexities involved in how people feel and think about gender and sex, and no one should feel marginalized. We do, however, need to dialogue on these issues, especially regarding the education of children, without labeling and libeling those who disagree with us.

If agape love is our starting point, then other loves will find their place. Agape compels thoughtfulness concerning our loyalties and pleasures, our motives and our practices. At this juncture I am only calling for thoughtfulness about sacrificial love. Agape sees people as made in God’s image, worthy of dignity and respect. Agape love helps people not objectify others or abuse people for pleasure. Friendships rooted in mutual interests are possible without the intrusion of unwelcome erotic demands. Comradery in a cause can include people of all orientations and persuasions as they sacrifice for the common good.

We are more than our erotic passions, wonderful as they are (in boundaries of morality and mutuality). Choosing self-restraint is not repression, but a loving decision. People of all persuasions can offer their best efforts toward the common good. There is still a place for debating gender and sexual issues in an environment of love and respect. Even where we radically disagree, a commitment to sacrificial love allows us to unite for noble causes.

Will we stop bowing before idols of immediate pleasure and choose noble pathways of love and service? Can we debate without rancor and stop labeling and libeling? Our preferred future depends upon a social compact of principled liberty for all.