Category Archives: religion

Civilizations: Destroyed or Renewed: Our Choice

Civilizations end from internal moral implosions and external military explosions. When civic virtues give way to personal pleasures, elites take control and enemies begin to conquer.

America’s future rests with our moral and spiritual renewal, not the occupant of an office.

Cynicism is not a virtue. Hopeful realism is a better posture: we can have humble confidence as we work for love and justice, while retaining wisdom concerning the depravity and dignity of humankind. We can renew our civilization: it is our choice.

Moral inversion leads to cultural and social implosion.
Internal depravity is a greater threat than external deprivation.
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
May we have vigilance toward both the enemies that desire our demise.
Lord, have mercy.
Protect us from jihadist terror.
Transform the hearts of our enemies.
And protect us from egregious moral distortions and entertaining distractions.




The Fourth of July: A Time to Rejoice…and Repent

July 4, 1776: Only John Hancock signed the Declaration that day – others would add their names on August 2 and beyond. John Adams, a rather dour fellow at times, was effusive that Independence be celebrated with great fanfare.

Here is my 4th of July tribute as a dual citizen of God’s Kingdom and our nation.

Rejoicing and Repenting

I rejoice in the greatest experiment in virtue-based liberty and I repent for past enslavement and oppression.

I rejoice in freedom of conscience and religion, with a free market of faiths and ideas and I repent for misguided and unjust actions in the name of any religion.

I rejoice in equality and opportunity and repent that we squander these privileges with momentary pleasures.

I rejoice that citizens have a say in their nation’s destiny and I repent from my apathy that forfeits this honor.

I rejoice in the many nations that make up our one nation (E Pluribus Unum) and I repent that the First Nations (Native Americans) were oppressed instead of embraced.

I rejoice in brave soldiers defending freedom and I repent that they often serve poor leaders and policies.

I rejoice in our compassion for the needy at home and abroad and repent for the destruction of life in the womb.

I rejoice in our Constitution and I repent that so few know it well.

I rejoice that God has blessed America and I repent of my lack of gratitude for so much mercy.

A Republic will only be as free as its citizens are virtuous. May we renew the covenants: first with Christ and then the Constitution. May we remember that governments exist to protect, not bestow God-given rights. 
May God bless America…and every nation – for God loves unconditionally and judges without partiality.

Hour of Decision for the USA, Part Four: A Grassroots Awakening

The future of the American Experiment in liberty rests on a virtuous citizenry, affirmation of human dignity and a moral economy that adds value to the world. There is one more foundation needed for freedom to flourish: spiritual awakening.

In the 1740s Great Britain and the American colonies experienced a “Great and General Awakening” with up to one-eighth of the colonial population experiencing conversion/renewal. People from every Christian tradition and even a few free thinkers were deeply affected by the efforts of the leaders such as Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield and the new Methodist movementled by John and Charles Wesley.

The religious experiences of the various meetings and movements were not confined to personal ecstasies.Transformation of the soul fostered social impact. Awareness of the holiness and love of God were joined with concerns for orphans and widows, the marginalized and poor. The Methodists insisted that proof of conversion meant making the world a better place and serving people personally, not just through anonymous donations.

The Great Awakening also stimulated a sense of North American identity – at least the awareness that this land was freer and held great potential compared to the Old World. Out of these revivals came numerous colleges/universities of great repute – including Dartmouth and Princeton, to name just two. People that rejected the religious enthusiasm still felt the impact of an emerging culture that would combine freedom of conscience with social concern – America’s unique blend of Christian and Enlightened thought.

Leaders such as Charles Carroll (the one Roman Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence) felt the long-term impact of the awakened conscience of a New World as he worked tirelessly for economic, political and religious liberty rooted in reverence for the Almighty and personal virtue. Ben Franklin, no fan of religious extremes, found his pockets emptied for orphanages as George Whitefield spoke. He also called for prayer at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

American history is full of religious renewal and testimonies of changed lives though the Gospel. The revivals of the 1740s were followed by a variety of similar movements between the 1790s and 1830s that converted thousands and ushered in new initiatives in global missions and sociopolitical transformation.

Division over slavery and race relations, economic and social stratification has marred religious awakenings since the1830s. American “rugged individualism” joined with the competitive spirit of Social Darwinism created dislocations in the late 19th and early 20th century we still feel today.

We need a new “great and general awakening” that will not only nurture individual souls, but also bring transformation to churches and communities, private and public life.

I believe the next awakening will not be the work of a few charismatic leaders or any one denomination or tradition. The next awakening will be millions of “brushfires” as households, Bible study and prayer groups, and churches large and small catch a vision for what it means to fear the Lord and faithfully serve the world.

Responsible and virtuous people affirming the dignity of each person and a moral economy opening opportunities for all vocations to flourish are built on this final foundation of spiritual vitality grounded in deep reverence for our loving and holy Lord. Ecstasy must unite with ethics and private intimacy must demonstrate itself in public integrity. I am not speaking of the coercive imposition of religion, but the overflow of lives changed by Christ.

Restoring Christian influence in the public square will require humility, integrity and prayer – and a willingness to risk rejection for obedience to the truth (not obnoxiousness in manner!).

America still has a future, if we will humbly beseech the Almighty for mercy, aim to add value to the world by our work each day and joyfully accept the risks and rewards of standing for truth.

Are we hopeful enough to pray for such an awakening?


From Noon to Three

Today is Good Friday on the Western Christian calendar. Our Eastern Orthodox brothers and sisters will celebrate the same in a few days.

After the show trials before religious and secular authorities, the beatings by soldiers who will gamble for his garment and the ravings of a rent-a-crowd, Jesus of Nazareth in crucified between two criminals on a small hill outside the walls of Jerusalem.

Even in his death his detractors dare him to perform miracles to save himself while his followers either scatter in fear or watch in incredulity and sorrow as he experiences unspeakable agony.

While suffering, Jesus asks his Father to forgive the perpetrators of this heinous crime and finds time to offer absolution to a repentant thief.

From noon to three, a veil of darkness shrouds the scene as the One called the King of the Jews endures unutterable agony and alienation, the bearing the pain and penalty, alienation from God and humankind, and, in the end, a peace as he declares, “It is finished!”

What just happened?

According to the earliest Christian confessions in both the New Testament and first-centur literature, Jesus died for the sins of the world, bearing the judgment of God for humankind’s rebellion. Jesus is both the sinless representative and atoning substitute of guilty humanity. In his death is satisfaction of divine justice and the expression of unconditional love. His death bears all the deserved and undeserved suffering of humankind, from Adam to the Apocalypse. In his cry of, “Why?” are all the unanswered questions of our circumstances. And in his words of comfort to the humble thief are the seeds of hope as we already glimpse that death itself is defeated in the death of Jesus. And when Jesus declares, “it is finished” and “into you hands I commit my spirit” we see the triumph of hope over despair, mercy over wrath and love over all.

From noon to three the world is reconciled, an amnesty offered a race of rebels as uncompromising holiness and unconditional love embrace on a wooden stake. These hours do not explain evil – the Cross defeats its. These hours do not remove us from challenges – they offer strength to endure, knowing that Easter Sunday is coming.

This is the Good News of Good Friday, the cruciform heart of the Christian faith. All the “red letters” – the words and works of Jesus of Nazareth – are proclaimed and performed with this moment in mind. From Advent to Trinity, from a babe in the creche to a man on a Cross, all of the divine search for lost humankind culminates in this moment of passionate embrace.

May we receive this love once again…and share it across the street and around the world with boldness, humility and wisdom.

One Moment Changes the World

One moment can change the world. Billions of human decisions are made every day across the globe. On the surface, most are innocuous or mundane, from changing a diaper to going to work. Sometimes they are history-altering, such as protests in the Ukraine or stock market crashes or rallies.

Sometimes unforeseen changes begins with a simple decision. St. Francis begins to rebuild an church one brick at a time…and a movement still vibrating begins. John Wycliffe begins translating the Bible into English and now billions can read the Scriptures in their own tongues. Bartolomeo de las Casas protests slavery and the long road to Emancipation begins. William Wilberforce stays in politics and fights for the end of slavery and scores of other causes for 50 years.

The challenges of the USA compel action, but voices of change are quickly drowned out in a sea of agitprop polemics. The current levels of hypocrisy and self-deception, short-term thinking and political manipulation are unprecedented in our history. It is not only the elites that are to blame. Millions of people are consciously or unconsciously capitulating to a fatalism of inaction. The gulf between professed principles and actual practices in widening daily. Consider:

  • “Everyone” loves the concept of a balanced budget. But no one will even begin with small cuts in over bloated salaries.
  • Immigration should be guided by law, but anyone supporting a modicum of regulation is a racist or xenophobe.
  • Millions are looking for work, but unwilling to labor in fields or service jobs.
  • Leaders decry the influence of lobbyists, then join their ranks as they depart “public service.”
  • Amoral anarchy is lamented as millions quietly engage in vicarious games and entertainment venues.
  • Tobacco is social evil number one…but billions of tax dollars flow from its consumption and we are making a worse mistake with “medical” marijuana. 
  • We advocate a healthy lifestyle, then pass out condoms to middle-school kids and offer “4th meal” fried food at midnight (to all the consumers of “medical marijuana.”)
Lamenting these and other evils, from abortion to divorce, redefinitions of marriage and family, educational outcomes and government intrusions into religion is easy – changing minds, hearts and wills in not.
Cries for spiritual awakening are the best start…and may they grow in intensity and sincerity.
Calls for activism and voting are helpful.
Maybe there is one more step…or millions of steps…that can propel lasting change. Perhaps each of us can have one moment that changes the world.
Our one moment arrives unexpectedly. It is veiled in other apparently “normal” decisions. Our moment dawns as we decide each day to love God supremely, love our neighbors unselfishly through our work and demonstrate in deed and declaration the veracity of the first principles that make for a flourishing life and society. If millions of “ordinary” people embark on a devoted and disciplined pathway of reverence for God, respect for all people, rigorous self-examination and right practices in their private and public life, the world will change. 
Some may emerge as leaders, even historic figures. Others will be agents of change one relationship at a time. Instead of continual lamentation, let’s ceaselessly labor for the common good. Instead of captivity to edutainment, let’s learn the proven pathways that yield prosperity for future generations. Instead of immediate pleasure, let’s infuse principles that allow the next generation to flourish.
One moment changes the world – it is our decision today.